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Carbenicillin Disodium, CulturePure® C107-5G

  • 价格:¥3,840.00 元


    Carbenicillin Disodium, CulturePure® is a carboxypenicillin bacteriolytic antibiotic and is routinely used in microbiology and plant biology as a selection agent to isolate resistant E. coli and transformed plants, respectively.  

    The compound interferes with peptidoglycan synthesis, thus it can also be used to study the role of penicillin-sensitive transpeptidases in the formation of cell walls, selection of ampr transformed cells and to study the role of penicillin-sensitive transpeptidases in cell wall biosynthesis. The carboxycillins are susceptible to degradation by β-lactamase enzymes.

    Carbenicillin Disodium, CulturePure® is soluble in water.

    CulturePure® products are uniquely designed for cell/plant culture applications. They have been carefully tested to make sure they do not exhibit toxicity against routine cell lines or plant cells.