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Mouse NGAL ELISA 1040

  • 价格:¥715.00 元



    Intended Use: Ethos Mouse NGAL (Neutrophil gelatinese-associated lipocalin) ELISA is designed to measure mouse NGAL in a competitive format in urine, serum or cell culture supernatant. It is for research purposes, and is not intended for diagnostic use.

    Description:  Ethos Mouse NGAL (Neutrophil gelatinese-associated lipocalin) ELISA uses recombinant mouse NGAL as standard and an antibody raised against recombinant mouse NGAL.  This antibody does not react with mouse albumin or mouse IgG. Mouse urine samples showed dose-response curves that were parallel to the standard curve indicating that this kit can be used to determine relative levels of native mouse NGAL. The assay is conducted in an indirect competitive mode and the results are reported as ng/ml mouse NGAL.

    The Ethos Mouse NGAL (Neutrophil gelatinese-associated lipocalin) ELISA plates are supplied coated, blocked, dried and ready to use. To complete the assay, the diluted standards and samples are added to respective wells. The anti-mouse NGAL is then added. This antibody interacts and binds with the NGAL in solution or with that immobilized to the plate, hence the notion of competitive binding. A subsequent reaction with HRP-conjugated second antibody then binds to the anti-mouse NGAL bound to the stationary phase plate. The bound conjugated antibody is then detected using a chromogenic reaction. Color intensity in Ethos Mouse NGAL is inversely proportional to the logarithm of the concentration of mouse NGAL in the fluid phase.

    Kit Contents:

    • 1 96-well Mouse NGAL ELISA Plate
    • 2 NGAL Reaction Buffer
    • 1 Mouse NGAL Standard
    • 1 Anti-Mouse NGAL Antibody
    • 1 HRP Conjugate Second Antibody
    • 1 TMB Color Developer
    • 1 Acid Color Stopper
    • 1 Instructions

    All kit reagents are supplied in ready to use liquid form.