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SE Cell Line 384-well Nucleofector Kit (10 PT) ; V5SC-1010

  • 价格:¥119,307.29 元


    The SE Cell Line 384-well NucleofectorTM Kit is one of our three kits suited for high-throughput transfection of cell lines when working with the 384-well HT NucleofectorTM System.

    This kit has been determined to be optimal for transfecting following cell types:

      • 3T3-L1, diff., 3T3-L1, undiff.
      • A-10, A7r5, 
      • BHK-21, BJ
      • C2C12, CaCo-2, Calu-3, Capan-1, Cos-7
      • DU145
      • GH3
      • HCT116, HeLa, HeLa S3
      • IMR-90
      • Jurkat (DSMZ), Jurkat E6.1
      • KG-1a, L6
      • MCF7, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-468, MDCK, MDCK II, MEG-01, MG-63, MRC-5
      • NCTC clone 929
      • Panc-1
      • T/G-HA VSMC, T-47D
      • U2OS, U-87 MG
      • WI-38

    The kit is available in different variants for either 2 x 384 or 10 x 384 reactions.