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Cell Line Nucleofector Kit V ; VCA-1003

  • 价格:¥9,987.73 元


    The Cell Line Nucleofector® Kit V is one of our five Nucleofector® Kits suited for transfecting cell lines in the Nucleofector® 2b System. This kit has been determined to be optimal for transfecting following cell types:

    32D    3T3-L1   pre-ad   A20   A375   A7r5   AGS   ARPE-19   B16-F10   BA/F3 (DSMZ)    
    C2C12   C6   Capan-1   CHO [suspension]   CHO-S [suspension] (Life Technologies)
    COS-1   HaCaT   HCT116   HEK293   HepG2   HL-60   HUV-EC-C   Jurkat
    K-562 (DSMZ)   MCF7   MDA-MB-231   MDA-MB-468   NB-4 (DSMZ)
    NCTC clone 929   Neuro-2a [N2a]   NG108-15   P19   PC-12   PC-3   Raji
    Ramos   RAW 264.7   RBL-1   S49   Saos-2   Schneider‘s Drosophila Line 2
    SH-SY5Y   SK-N-SH   SK-OV-3   SW480   T/C-28 a2   T/G   HA-VSMC
    T-47D   THP-1   U-2OS   Vero

    The respective cell type-specific Optimized Protocol or recommendation is available under "Instructions" or in our knowledge database. In this Optimized Protocol the best Nucleofection conditions are indicated. In addition, we share our experience and knowledge for treatment of this cell type.