


当前位置:首页>产品中心>MILLIPORE 水机>ZFRE012F0 ; 通气过滤器

ZFRE012F0 ; 通气过滤器

  • 价格:¥4,183.76 元
The Vent Filter is designed to protect highly sensitive stored pure water from possible contaminants in the environment. These include carbon dioxide, particles, micro-organisms and volatile organic compounds that mainly come from the laboratory atmospher


    The Vent Filter is designed to protect highly sensitive stored pure water from possible contaminants in the environment. These include carbon dioxide, particles, micro-organisms and volatile organic compounds that mainly come from the laboratory atmosphere.

    When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, it forms bicarbonate and carbonate ions. This reaction increases the ionic content of the pure water and compromises the pure water quality. The vent filter significantly reduces atmospheric organic and ionic contamination entering the reservoir.

    The vent filter must be replaced once a year for best results.
    The Vent Filter is used when the reservoir is fed with pure reverse osmosis (RO) product water.
    Activated carbon adsorbs volatile organic compounds.
    A soda-lime bed removes carbon dioxide.
    A membrane filter retains particle and bacteria.
    The vent filter is easily installed in the built-in holder on the front of the SDS reservoir.