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ab302540 ; Anti-CKAP4 antibody [EPR25713-62] (BSA and Azide free) ; 1mg

  • 价格:¥96,087.00 元


    Anti-CKAP4抗体[EPR25713-62] (BSA and Azide free)
    参阅全部 CKAP4 一抗
    兔单克隆抗体[EPR25713-62] to CKAP4 - BSA and Azide free
    适用于: ICC/IF, IP, Flow Cyt (Intra), IHC-P, WBmore details
    与反应: Mouse, Rat, Human
    Recombinant fragment. This information is proprietary to Abcam and/or its suppliers.

    WB: Whole cell lysates: HeLa (human cervix adenocarcinoma epithelial cell) transfected with scrambled siRNA, HeLa transfected with siRNA targeting cytoskeleton-associated protein 4, Caco-2, 3T3-L1, NIH/3T3, PC-12, A549, ; Tissue lysates: mouse pancreas cancer, human: colon, colon cancer, lung cancer, low expression skeletal muscle. IHC-P: Tissues: Human: cerebral cortex, lung cancer, colon; Mouse and rat cerebral cortex. ICC/IF: HeLa, NIH/3T3. Flow cyt. Intr.: HeLa, NIH/3T3. IP: HeLa, NIH/3T3.
    ab302540 is a carrier free version of ab302539.


    This antibody clone is manufactured by Abcam. If you require a custom buffer formulation or conjugation for your experiments, please contact orders@abcam.com.

    Our carrier-free antibodies are typically supplied in a PBS-only formulation, purified and free of BSA, sodium azide and glycerol. The carrier-free buffer and high concentration allow for increased conjugation efficiency.

    This conjugation-ready format is designed for use with fluorochromes, metal isotopes, oligonucleotides, and enzymes, which makes them ideal for antibody labelling, functional and cell-based assays, flow-based assays (e.g. mass cytometry) and Multiplex Imaging applications.

    Use our conjugation kits for antibody conjugates that are ready-to-use in as little as 20 minutes with <1 minute hands-on-time and 100% antibody recovery: available for fluorescent dyes, HRP, biotin and gold.

    This product is compatible with the Maxpar® Antibody Labeling Kit from Fluidigm, without the need for antibody preparation. Maxpar® is a trademark of Fluidigm Canada Inc.

    This product is a recombinant monoclonal antibody, which offers several advantages including:

    - High batch-to-batch consistency and reproducibility
    - Improved sensitivity and specificity
    - Long-term security of supply
    - Animal-free production
    For more information see here.
    Our RabMAb® technology is a patented hybridoma-based technology for making rabbit monoclonal antibodies. For details on our patents, please refer to RabMAb® patents.