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Plumbagin P159-25MG

  • 价格:¥2,856.00 元


    Plumbagin is a yellow-orange pigment isolated from Plumbagin and other plant species. Research into Plumbagin dates back to the early 1800s, with its synthesis reported in 1936. Plumbagin has a broad biological activity, including bactericidal, fungicidal, tuberculostatic, larvicidal, nematocidal, ichthyotoxic, anti-inflammatory and seed germination inhibitory activity, as well as weak insect antifeedant activity. Pumbagin’s activity is attributed to its effects on multiple signaling and apoptotic pathways, and its ability to undergo redox cycling property generating ROS. Plumbagin induces quinone reductase and glutathione transferase and is a potent inhibitor of NF- κB.
