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Nanangenine F N076-2.5MG

  • 价格:¥10,120.00 元


    The nanangenines are newly discovered drimane sesquiterpenoid metabolites from a hitherto undescribed Australian fungus, Aspergillus nanangensis. Nanangenine F is an acylated drimane and putative biosynthetic intermediate of the higher nanangenines. Nanangenine F is weakly active against B. subtilis (IC50 78 μg/mL) and tumor cell lines (mouse myeloma NS-1 cell, human prostate DU-145 and human breast adenocarcinoma MC-7; IC50 49 - 95 μg/mL) and neonatal foreskin cell line. The nanangenines did not exhibit Gram negative antibacterial, antifungal or herbicidal activity.