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Narasin N030-5MG

  • 价格:¥2,824.00 元


    Narasin (4-methylsalinomycin) is a carboxylic polyether antibiotic isolated from Streptomyces aureofaciens in 1978. Although Narasin is a derivative of Salinomycin, the metabolites are produced by different species and are not co-metabolites. Narasin is an ionophore with activity against Gram positive bacteria including anaerobes and mycoplasma, and also possesses antiviral and limited antifungal activity. Narasin, a coccidiostat, is used in the animal health industry as a feed additive antibiotic for growth enhancement, and control of Eimeria.  Ionophore toxicity has been reported in many mammalian and avian species but sensitivity to toxicity varies between species and ionophores.  Narasin also possesses antiprotozoal activity in humans and animals.