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Mensacarcin M113-2.5MG

  • 价格:¥11,216.00 元


    Mensarcarcin is an unusual anthracene metabolite of Streptomyces sp. containing nine stereogenic centres and two epoxy functionalities first isolated by Zeeck and co-workers in the late 1990s. Mensacarcin has broad antitumor activity. Mensacarcin activates caspase-3/7-dependent apoptotic pathways and induces cell death in SK-Mel-28 and SK-Mel-5 melanoma cells with the BRAF(V600E) mutation associated with drug resistance, showing characteristic chromatin condensation as well as poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1 cleavage. The epoxy moieties are primarily responsible for the cytotoxic effect of mensocarcin.