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Leucinostatin A L030-0.5MG

  • 价格:¥3,912.00 元


    Leucinostatin A is the major component of an atypical nonapeptide complex produced by Paecilomyces lilacinus, first reported in 1973. Leucinostatins display broad bioactivity against Gram-positive bacteria, fungi, plants and tumor cell lines. Leucinostatin A is potentiated by inhibitors such as venturicidin and oligomycin. More recently, interest in Leucinostatin has focused on understanding its activity as an insulin-like growth factor I regulator, an ionophore, inhibitor of cell surface expression of viral glycoproteins and its anti-trypanosomal activity.

    Leucinostatin A is soluble in ethanol, methanol, DMF and DMSO. Limited water solubility.