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Trans-Zeatin Z005-10MG

  • 价格:¥704.00 元


    Trans-Zeatin is a naturally occurring cytokinin and plant growth regulator routinely used in plant tissue culture to induce shoot formation. Zeatins were discovered in immature Zea mays and occurs in many plant extracts and is the active ingredient in coconut milk. It has two isomers: cis and trans, but the trans isomer is considered more active. Recently, it has been shown that cytokinins like Zeatin function in plant immunity. With pesticides having a negative impact on human health and resistance on the rise, the practical impact of cytokinin-mediated resistance could complement crop protection efforts for added food safety and harvest yield.

    trans-Zeatin is slightly soluble in DMSO and very slightly soluble in DMF.  It is sparingly soluble in water.