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Thimerosal T006-25G

  • 价格:¥4,032.00 元


    Thimerosal or Thiomersal is an organomercury compound with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Thimerosal was first patented by Morris Kharasch from the University of Maryland in 1927, and later given the trade name Merthiolate by Eli Lilly and Company.  Thimerosal is used as a preservative for many pharmaceutical and research applications, as well as a topical antiseptic on skin and mucous membranes.

    Thimerosal is and enzyme inhibitor that is capable of inhibiting a wide range of sulfhydryl-dependent enzymes and proteins.  Thimerosal causes a release of calcium from intracellular stores in many cells types and may induce or inhibit cellular functions dependent on calcium signaling.  Thimerosal may have toxic effects to many cell types and has been shown to induce apoptosis in vitro.

    Thimerosal is sparingly soluble in aqueous solution (4.6 mg/mL).

    This product is considered a dangerous good. Quantities above 1 g may be subject to additional shipping fees. Please contact us for specific questions.