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Spinosad S113-100MG

  • 价格:¥3,520.00 元


    Spinosad is a mixture of Spinosyn A and Spinosyn D.  Spinosyns (macrocyclic lactones/macrolide insecticides) are extracted from the fermentation broth of Saccharopolyspora spinosa.  This bacterial strain was isolated from a soil sample collected at a defunct sugar mill rum still in the Virgin Islands (Mertz and Yao, 1990).  Spinosin A is produced in the greatest quantity, followed by Spinosyn D which differs from Spinosyn A by having a methyl group instead of a hydrogen atom at position C6 on the macrolide.  The other 21 spinosyns are produced in very small quantities.  Spinosad is used as a bio-insecticide as it shows efficacy against a variety of insects.  Spinosyn A and D have the highest level of insecticidal activity.  The Spinosyns do not have antibiotic effects on bacteria or fungi.


    The spinosyns are soluble in organic solvents.