


当前位置:首页>产品中心>细胞生物学>DP-008-0250 ; HotStart PCR Master mix (2x)

DP-008-0250 ; HotStart PCR Master mix (2x)

  • 价格:¥129.00 元



    1. Hot start PCR amplification of all various templates or tasks

    2. Designed for amplification of difficult templates, such as GC-rich fragments and microsatellites

    3. Primer extension of SNP markers

    4. Amplification of genomic DNA targets up to 10 kb with high fidelity, specificity, and sensitivity

    5. High through-put Hot Start PCR with high specificity, sensitivity, and yield

    6. Routine diagnostic Hot Start PCR requiring high reproducibility


    Special formulation for eliminating primer dimer formation and non-specific amplification optimized for built in hot start PCR amplification with high fidelity, specificity, and sensitivity tested for detection of various DNA sequences from human, animals, plants, bacteria, or viruses.