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DG-120-0010 ; EZ DNA Safe-Stain Loading Buffer

  • 价格:¥69.00 元


    EZ DNA Safe-Stain is an environment safe non-EB nucleic acid stain used for detecting double-stranded DNA in agarose gels.
    EZ DNA Safe-Stain is a non-mutagenic stain and is as sensitive as EB. EZ Safe-Stain is an environment-friendly non-EB stain for detecting nucleic acid in agarose gels, especially when isolating DNA fragment for subcloning.


    Safe - absence of mutagenicity and low toxicity (LC>5000 mg/kg) as compared to Ethidium Bromide.
    Sensitivity - highly sensitive same as EB
    Low Environmental Impact - compliance with the Clean Water Act standards. No water pollution concern.
    Convenience - prepared as 6x DNA loading buffer with three tracking dyes (Bromophenol Blue, Xylene Cyanol FF, and Orange G).
    Improved cloning efficiency and less DNA damage

    1 ml (6x) in DNA loading buffer

    Selected Citations: 

    1) Ramirez, B. G. Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Gyrase Subunits Associated with Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Resistance. (2019). 
    2) Davis, L. E. Genotypic and Phenotypic Investigation of a Possible New Mycobacterium kansasii subspecies. (2017).
    3) Vasireddy, R. et al. Mycobacterium arupense, Mycobacterium heraklionense, and a Newly Proposed Species, “Mycobacterium virginiense” sp. nov., but Not Mycobacterium nonchromogenicum, as Species of the Mycobacterium terrae Complex Causing Tenosynovitis and Osteomyelitis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 54, 1340–1351 (2016).