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Nisin ReadyMade Solution N084-1ML

  • 价格:¥1,664.00 元


    Nisin ReadyMade™ Solution is provided as a sterile-filtered solution in 0.02N HCl at a concentration of 20,000-40,000 IU/ml. Nisin is a low molecular weight, natural antibacterial pentacyclic peptide used as a food grade preservative. Nisin is produced by lactic acid bacterium Lactoccus lactis, widely used in cheese manufacturing. Nisin belongs to a cationic peptide group called Type A lantibiotics, named after the unusual amino acid lanthionine. There are 34 residues in the peptide.  Nisin was isolated in the 1930s and is used for therapeutic and industrial applications due to its high safety profile. It has antibiotic action against a range of food spoilage bacteria and is heat-stable. It has applications in biomedicine including cancer and veterinary research. There are 8 natural variants of Nisin: Nisin A, Z, F, Q, H, U, U2 and P.